Thursday, February 7, 2013

You know that you are an INTP when….

(*Over a past few days, through books and the Internet, I have been taking some personality tests in an attempt to answer an uneasy question: “Who am I?” MBTI tests' results revealed that I am an INTP, so-called “the Thinker” or “the Architect.” Basing on MBTI explanations and my own experience, I have tried to make a list of characteristics that a MBTI’s typical INTP would have.*)

You don’t like having daily routine. Monday, you eat lunch at 11.30 am, Tuesday 1 am and Wednesday 2 am. Before going to sleep at night, you write a to-do list for the next day, getting down to the nitty gritty. Yet, waking up, you suddenly get interested in some unscheduled activities. Needless to say, your to-do list finds a place in your trash bin. When you are an INTP, it is not easy to follow a schedule or a commitment.

You get bored easily! You are writing an essay about technological development, and 15 minutes later, you find yourself checking NASDAQ indexes. You are trying to find answers for Syria Civil war, and then just by some clicks, you are downloading U.S. Congressional annual bills. When you are an INTP, almost nothing can capture your full attention for too long.

You love designing! You regularly change your room, tearing your working table apart, replacing your bookshelf with a new TV and painting your walls. You are the psycho in chemical lab, enthusiastically conduct chemical experiments and crazily mix every tubes at hand together to see how they would react. When you are an INTP, the world is something needed to be analyzed and redesigned.

You are never tired of learning. You have a list of various things you want to learn, ranging from science, technology, arts to gender discrimination, cooking and playing piano. Sometimes, you only wish there would be 48 hours per day and 1000 days a year, so that you can study as much as you want. When you are an INTP, not money or love but knowledge is the thing you treasure most.

Trivia and common talks bore you to death. Being surrounded by people’s endless stories about Korean singers, Hollywood movie stars, or newest fashion trends, you just want to disappear. In your opinion, if a conversation cannot provide useful information or practical lessons, it is not a thing worth spending time and efforts. When you are an INTP, serious, one-to-one talk is something you seek for.

You love correcting people (inside your head!). When somebody tells you a story, you simultaneously check its logical incoherence and pay attention to its incompatible details. These thoughts inside your head are so clear, and so loud that you try hard to constrain your intentions to speak your thoughts out. When you are an INTP, you can’t stand grammar errors and weak logical structures.

People criticize you for being coldhearted. Even though you sincerely want to say “I love you” to your dear friend, your mouth couldn’t open. Instead of being a trash can for your closed ones to spill their guts, you suggest solutions for their problems. As the result, people assume that you are made of stone. However, when you are an INTP, you sometimes don’t even care to defend yourself from that assumption.

When you are a female INTP , you belong to 1% of the population. It means that if you make 100 friends, you can find a female soulmate. Yes, if you can make 100 friends....

It is not always happy to be an INTP. However, I stop my piece here with a quote from Forbes magazine:
“You are lucky, in a way that no one else is. Now, what are you going to do with your good fortune?”

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